34. ÖRC Clubsiegerschau Schloss Eckartsau


34. ÖRC Clubsiegerschau Schloss Eckartsau 

Judge: Vanessa Malkmus (D)

Broaden Limits Čerešňa Lipov - VP 1
Active Flavour Čerešňa Lipov - Exc. 1, CACA, Best Bitch, BOS !

All of Passion Čerešňa Lipov - Exc. 2, res. CACA
Always Happy Čerešňa Lipov - Exc. 2, res. CACA

On Sunday, after three years, we went to a nice retriever club show in Austria. The most beautiful thing was that for the first time since the puppy we met our little girl, who lives in Austria "Cara" All of Passion Čerešňa Lipov and grew into a beauty, thank you very much Stefanie Weinberger for your care and love for this smiling happiness. Thank you.

All of Passion Čerešňa Lipov

Always Happy Čerešňa Lipov